The truth about the Law of Attraction that they didn’t tell you about in the The Secret.
You can find this movie floating
around on the internet somewhere. It’ been really popular in the last five or
ten years. I think it’s been popular because it’s somewhat controversial. I
already have a video up there that’s pretty popular about the law of
attraction, where I talk about what it is. I bring it down to Earth.
I actually want to make some
comments about The Secret itself, because some people will watch that movie and
will walk away misled or confused, or with some sort of questions, and I wanted
to address some of those. Especially because I’ve studied so much personal
development stuff, and I’ve worked a lot with the law of attraction in the last
I have some ideas about where The
Secret is misleading you. Let’s talk about that. I actually, to prepare for
this video — most videos I just shoot on the fly — but this one, I actually sat
down and rewatched The Secret. I haven’t watched it for maybe two or three
years, so I kind of remembered it, but I wanted to sit down and watch it and
break it down point by point, so that I was going exactly based off what they
were saying, and not misinterpreting what was being said in the actual language
of the movie.
First of all, when I watched that
movie, I wanted to come in there and actually when I sat down to watch it it
was interesting. I said to myself “Well, The Secret”. I kind of had a bit of a
negative feeling about The Secret, and I wanted to start criticizing it. I
started to watch the movie and try to pick it apart, point by point.
I was saying “Well, this is wrong
here, this is wrong here, that’s not quite right. This is misleading.” While I
did do that, eventually, by the time I got to the end of the movie the message
of the movie, the overall message of it was actually so powerful that I
couldn’t even criticize it.
To myself, I had to say “Well,
that’s true.” The overall gist of the movie is completely true, and this is
what people need to know. While I think that is true, I think the law of
attraction in and of itself is an amazing, very powerful tool to advance your
life, to advance your career, to advance your relationships, to advance your
personal development, I think the way in which The Secret gave it to you is not
the best way to apply it.
My eyes literally watered up with
tears when I was watching some of the scenes in The Secret, because I connected
them with how I used the law of attraction in my own life, and I thought “Damn,
that’s really powerful. It can actually work like that.”
I think also, some of the
metaphysics behind The Secret, and some of the marketing that’s layered on top
of the concept of the law of attraction that comes with The Secret, that
marketing is a little bit geared towards the mainstream. It can definitely be
I know I watched The Secret three
years ago, and after watching it — I mean, it can make you feel good, it can
inspire you, but it doesn’t actually give you the techniques and the how to of
how to apply it. It tends to be like a motivational, inspirational thing. From
that, I see that most people fall through on it, and don’t actually start to
use the law of attraction in their life.
I’m much more concerned about how do
you actually apply the law of attraction rather than some of the airy-fairy
stuff that goes around with it, and just getting you pumped up for a few hours
after watching the video. Although that can be nice too.
I think ultimately, I have nothing
really bad to say about The Secret, but I will criticize it on a couple of
technical points. Let’s get in that. These are some of the things I saw in The
Secret that I perceived as being misleading. At least they can be, unless
you’re very educated about how this works, and you’ve worked with the law of
attraction before.
If you’re totally new to the law of
attraction, and you just watch it, I think you’ll get misled by the following
points. Let’s break into that.
Out Of This World
Point number one is that there’s a suggestion
— it’s not quite explicitly suggested, but there’s a suggestion, implication,
that there are paranormal forces at work, that make the secret manifest, that
make the secret work. That somehow there are thought waves, blasting through
the universe.
That when you think a thought,
somehow a wave comes out of your head and it hits some object, and then that
object gets attracted to you magnetically. That’s not how the law of attraction
works at all. To take away that from The Secret would be do be greatly misled.
The law of attraction which actually
— let me state that for those of you who aren’t very familiar with it — the law
of attraction simply states that whatever you think about, you will get more of
in your life, whether that’s negative or positive. If you’re thinking about
something positive all the time, you’re going to tend to get those positive
things. If you’re thinking about negative things all the time, you’re going to
tend to attract those negative things, not repel them.
When you’re worrying, when you’re
constantly worrying about the problems in your life, what you’re actually doing
is attracting more of those problems and keeping them in your life. The
solution to that is to start visualising, start thinking about all the stuff
you want to create.
I think that that message is a very
powerful message, very true, and this can totally transform your life if you
start to live and act in line with it. This is not going to happen by some sort
of paranormal psychic force.
This is going to happen by very
ordinary, plain mechanical laws. There’s nothing really sexy about the law of
attraction. It’s not some “woo” forces that’s coming out of your head, and
pulling something toward you. It’s just a mechanical law.
Think about it like this. To explain
this properly, think about how does anything get accomplished in your life.
Really think about this. How does anything come into your life? You’ve got this
body, that’s all you’ve really got to control. You’ve got this mind, that’s controlling
this body, and literally, your mind is like the puppet master controlling this
You can move your arm up, arm down,
hands, feet, move your body, twist around, look in different places.
Realistically, that’s the only way you interact with the world, mechanically,
through your body. That’s enough. You don’t need any psychic forces or special
quantum energy, or anything like that. None of that bullshit. All you need is
your hands and your feet, literally.
If you’re going to visualise a
million dollars for yourself, and you want to go out there and get that million
dollars, fine. That will totally work. Realize that you’re the one that’s
coming out there and getting it, ultimately. It’s just going to be a long
To get a million dollars, realistically,
you’re going to have to start a business, maybe climb the corporate ladder,
invest in something, manage your money well, have multiple jobs or create
multiple projects. That’s how you create a million dollars. When you visualise
a million dollars, that will lead you towards the million dollars by taking all
those actions.
What’s happening there? It’s your
fingers. Your fingers are typing on the keyboard to create that business plan.
Your eyes are looking around the world and looking for people to talk to about
it. Your mouth is moving, words and sounds are coming out and affecting other
people, who will then pay you the money that you’re looking for.
Your feet will actually walk you
into the office building where you’re going to receive your check. This is how
it’s happening mechanically. Mechanical, ordinary, physical, Newtonian laws.
There’s nothing crazy going on here, no paranormal forces. At least nothing
that’s been scientifically proven.
From The Everyman
The next point is that there’s this
implication right off the bat with The Secret, just even by the title, but
right in the beginning, in the intro, is that they really suggest the secret
has been hidden from people, from ordinary people, for a long time and that
somehow millionaires and billionaires — there’s this elite class of people in
the world that somehow know the secret and they’ve been holding it back from
the little guy.
They’re trying to oppress the little
guy. It’s like this struggle between the bigwigs and the little guy, and the
masses don’t have this knowledge of the secret. That’s total nonsense. No one’s
been holding back the secret from you. In fact, it’s been publicly available in
books and through various religions for hundreds, if not thousands of years.
It’s all out there.
The trick is not that somebody is
withholding this information from you, it’s that you’re withholding it from
yourself. You’re not believing in the power of visualisation. You’re not
believing in the power of what positive thinking can get you. You’re not buying
into the fact that this worrying that you’re doing all the time, it’s actually
attracting more of the bad stuff into your life.
You’re not buying into that. It
takes time to really get your mind to start thinking along the line of the
secret. It did for me, and I study this stuff incessantly. I can only guess how
it would affect someone who hears it for the first time. It takes a while to
get introduced to this idea and to accept it.
Most people, their egos won’t let
them accept it, or they’re such a victim in life that they don’t want to accept
the fact that they’re actually responsible for a lot of the problems they’re
creating. It’s easier to blame other people.
In fact, The Secret kind of
perpetuates that. It’s blaming someone, like the bigwigs, for holding back the
secret. No one’s been holding it back from you. Let’s get that out of the way.
The next point is quantum physics.
There are a couple of quantum physicists on The Secret, talking about stuff,
and there’s this whole theory of quantum mind. Some of the stuff that’s been
going on in quantum mechanics — which is now a pretty old field, it’s basically
over a hundred years old — but there’s these notions that the secret has been
well proven scientifically.
The law of attraction has been
proven scientifically by quantum physics in some way. This is complete
nonsense. It hasn’t been proven at all. In fact, there’s been a lot of
speculation about whether quantum effects are going on in the mind. The leading
consensus from scientists is that there are no quantum effects going on in the
This is a philosophical mistreatment
of the notion of quantum mechanics. We’re talking about very different scales
here. You mind operates on the scale of cells. You’ve got neurons. Those are
very large, big objects, compared to what quantum mechanics talk about. Quantum
mechanics talk about not even atoms, but subatomic particles within the atom —
quarks and stuff.
The leading consensus is that your
brain doesn’t function because of quantum effects. It’s made up of quanta,
everything in the world is made up of quanta, just like everything in the world
is made out of atoms, but that doesn’t really mean anything.
That doesn’t mean you’re using the
quantum properties of those, or atomic properties to solve a problem in your
life. I’m thinking about, and I’m talking, but I’m not using quantum effects to
do it. In the same way I’m not using nuclear forces in my mind to do it, even
though my mind is held together by nuclear forces.
What are nuclear forces? Those are
forces between atoms. Yes, my mind is composed of atoms, which are held
together by nuclear forces, but to say I’m using nuclear forces to speak to you
is silly. It’s kind of a pop cultural broscience-y type of idea. There’s really
no hard evidence for quantum effects in the brain.
In fact, from all the research I’ve
read on this stuff, they say at the temperature of the brain, which is almost a
hundred degrees, any kind of residual quantum effects that could have been
going on, are totally negligible. The chaos and the temperature of the brain
will basically nullify any of those quantum effects.
This is still groundbreaking
research, but to say that it’s been proven scientifically is nonsense. There’s
no quantum connection here. You don’t need a quantum connection. The fact that
you even try to find a quantum connection is silly. Why do you need one?
Mechanical laws — like I said, your
hands and arms moving, your feet moving, your mouth talking, your eyes blinking
— that’s all you really need, mechanical laws. You don’t need to go and get all
crazy on it.
I think there’s a tendency to want
to go into quantum mechanics and quantum physics, because it sounds very
official. It sounds like “Oh well, a quantum physicist said it, so it must be
real. It must be true.”
There’s no need to do that. Quantum
physicists don’t need to tell you that if you think about the things you want,
you’ll tend to get those things, and if you think about bad things, you’ll tend
to get those too. It doesn’t happen on the level of quantum mechanics. That’s
on the level of psychology. A psychologist is a better person to ask about that
than a quantum physicist.
Focus On Material Things
The next point I will criticize The
Secret on is the focus on material things. I understand why they do this. I do
this in my videos sometimes too. If I’m talking about something and I want to
bring up an example, I’ll say “Money, business, career, relationship, physical
appearance, losing some weight”.
Those are easy examples to use,
people can relate to them very easily. The Secret is very focused on using the
law of attraction, and it’s talking about how you can use the law of attraction
to manifest a car, to manifest a vacation house, to manifest a trip to Hawaii,
to manifest a bicycle, to manifest something tangible in your life.
This is actually the worst way to
use the law of attraction. That’s not how I use the law of attraction at all.
You don’t want to be attracting physical things to you. It’s easy to talk about
these things, but I use the law of attraction every single day, and I use it to
work on myself. What I want to attract to myself is more confidence.
I want to attract more discipline, a
harder work ethic, being more charismatic. I want to attract more energy to go
to the gym, to workout, to do all the work I have to do. I want to attract
better reading skills. I want to attract better speaking skills. I want to
attract inner things, things inside you, intangibles.
That’s so much more powerful than
attracting tangibles, because if you attract the intangibles and you work on
that — like I say, you want to learn to control your mind and your own
psychology — then everything else will come to you.
You don’t need to dream for a
million dollars. Dream for yourself to become someone who thinks like a
millionaire, and you’ll get millions of dollars. I go more direct. I go to me,
the cause of it, the agent.
Plus, what’s going to be nice about
that is that once I build up the skills, those skills will spill over to other
areas of my life. If I’m trying to attract more energy, more physical energy,
that’s not only going to help me at the gym and get me a nicer body, but it’s
also going to help me in my relationship, it’s going to help me have great sex,
and it’s going to help me work harder in my business.
It will affect all those things. A
little bit too much focus on material things, I would say, in The Secret.
The Universe
The next point I’m going to make is
that they really — they have this quote that says “The universe will rearrange
itself for you, based on your thoughts”. This is also, I feel, misleading.
That’s not going to happen. I don’t care how long you sit there, and how much
you think about having a million dollars, the universe is not going to
rearrange itself for you.
What’s going to happen is that if
you just sit and think about that stuff, then it won’t happen. If you go out
and follow up and take action, then it potentially could happen. The action
taking component is important. To somehow say that “Well, it’s out of my hands.
I just visualised it so it’s out of my hands now. The million dollars are
somehow magically, luckily going to show up, because I’ve been thinking about
That’s a bastardization of how the
law of attraction works. Something could come your way, but that’s not how you
want to live your life, with this wishful thinking, prayer kind of mentality.
Don’t pray for things, pray for yourself to be better, to acquire those things.
You’re going to acquire everything yourself. It’s not going to magically come
to you from the universe. Nothing’s going to rearrange itself for you, to your
liking. That’s nonsense.
You Believe In Magic?
The next point is — there’s this
scene, very vividly they show a boy who wants to buy a new bicycle, and he
keeps thinking about this bicycle, and drawing pictures of it and stuff, and
then he doesn’t get it. Then, one day he walks out and realizes and sees his
grandfather bought it for him. There it is, sitting in the front lawn, this
A scene like that, it’s also
misleading. The problem there is that it’s pushing you towards this idea that
you should expect things to just magically appear for you. It’s the idea of
synchronicity — you think about somebody, and then all of a sudden that person
shows up. You’re thinking about a new car, and bam — all of a sudden it’s
Again, it’s that magical, wishful
thinking, prayer type of mentality that I don’t like to encourage. Instead, go
out there and work for that bicycle. Visualise the bicycle — nothing wrong with
that. Want the bicycle. Don’t worry why you don’t have a bicycle.
But the way you’re going to get that
bicycle is by moving your hands and your feet, and ultimately going out there
and buying it. The way you’re going to buy it is by earning the money. You’re
going to earn the money by going to a job. There’s going to be a very
non-mystical explanation for how the bicycle actually landed at your doorstep.
It’s not going to be by luck.
And Natural
The last point, I would say, is that
they say the process should be easy and effortless, and that you should always
be feeling very good. As soon as you’re not feeling good, you’re not in
alignment with what you’re going after.
Let’s say you want a million dollars.
You should be feeling good about that million dollars. If for some reason it’s
feeling effortful and difficult, then you’re not doing it right. You have to
force your mood.
The point here is that if you’re
really a grounded person, and you’re a very solid executor in life, you’re very
hard working, and you know you’re totally on your life’s purpose, and you do
something that’s very important for you and the world, something that’s very
meaningful to you — if you’re going that, you’re still going to face a lot of
hardship, a lot of struggle.
It’s not going to be easy. It’s not
going to be effortless. To set that kind of expectation is actually to create
failure. Yes, you should resonate with the goal you want. You should actually
want the million dollars. It shouldn’t be just some sort of goal you’re
lukewarm about. You should actually want it. Imagine it, get yourself
emotionally involved with that goal.
Also, realize it’s going to take
work to get there. Sometimes it’ll be effortless, sometimes it’ll feel nice and
be easy because you’re on track with your life purpose and your goals. That
feels nice. But a lot of times it’s just going to be mundane, brute force work.
That’s the point I’m going to end
on. I really was thinking about “Is there a real secret?”. Is there a real
secret to personal development? Is there a real secret to life? I think if I
was to say what my secret is, after studying hundreds of thousands of dollars
of personal development material, hundreds of books, all this stuff, and trying
a lot of this stuff myself and on my clients, I would say the real secret is
Discipline your mind. That’s the
real secret to success and happiness in life, a disciplined mind. This idea’s
not new. This idea goes back to the ancient mystics. This idea goes back to
Buddha. This idea goes back to people like Lao Tzu, and ancient hindi texts,
and ancient Roman and Greek philosophy.
Ultimately, the ancients had it
right. You need to discipline your mind. You need to master your mind. You need
to understand your psychology, not just logically, but also practically. You
need to live that.
When you do, the rest of it will
take care of itself. The fact is, you can’t even do the law of attraction
properly, the techniques of it. I actually have a lot of techniques I use, and
I didn’t get to cover them here because it’s just too much. I cover them in
other videos.
Ultimately, you need incredible
discipline to actually use the law of attraction. This is the thing The Secret
misleads us on the most. They have this thing: “Well, just some wishful
thinking, some visualisations”. And they say it’s going to be easy and
Actually, to properly apply the law
of attraction takes incredible discipline, incredible control of your mind,
ridiculous discipline. When I do the law of attraction, I do it religiously,
like a religious zealot. I’m not a religious person, but I do this religiously.
Every single morning, I do my law of attraction work, for half an hour.
I do it very religiously, because I
know how powerful it is, and that it is one of the most powerful tools to get
what you want in your life. It’s not easy. It’s not effortless. No way — if it
was easy and effortless, everyone would have what they want. It’s going to be
hard and tough, and there are things you still don’t know about how to really
use the law of attraction. For that, you’ll just have to check out some of my
other videos.
This is it. This is what I have to
say about The Secret. I’m signing off. Go ahead and post me your comments down
below. Of course, like this and share this. If you liked it, click the like
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Discipline is not a bad word here,
it’s a good word. Why do you think I’m serious about that? Because to me, this
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All the videos I’m bringing to you,
they’re basically telling you how to do it. They’re telling you how to
discipline your mind, how to use the law of attraction, how to use any kind of
mental, psychological techniques to get you to where you want to be, how to
grow yourself personally, how to actualized yourself.
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